
Dry Tailings Application in Iron Mining of Fuguiniao in Liaoning China

Ore mineral:Iron
Particle size:55% of-200 mesh
Density of tailings:12-15%
Dry tailings craft:

Tailings slurry enters into the efficient concentration hydrocyclone,the underflow of hydrocyclone enters into the dewatering screen,after dewatering the dry tailings can transfered by belt conveyer to pits or anywhere can stack the dry tailings.the overflow from the hydrocyclone and the under material from the dewatering screen mixed together go to tailings pond for precipitation

Tailings dry effect:14-17% moisture of dry tailings,overflow density of the hydrocyclone is 4.5%,dry tailings production accounted for 70% of total tailings.
dry stacking of tailings
stacked of dry tailings
dry tailings from dewatering screen
dry tailings from dewatering screen
hydrocyclone cluster and dewatering screen
hydrocyclone and dewatering screen

