
Proper Operation of Hydrocyclone

    Yantai Jinyang hydrocyclone is going to share with you the correct mode of operation of the cyclone, as follows:
1. Before you start commissioning to ensure that all connection points cyclone unit are tightened, remove the pipe, the housing units in a variety of residues, in order to avoid driving after a leak and clogging. Make sure to put into operation the cyclone valve is fully open.
2. The valve can be fully open (such as running a cyclone) or fully closed (such as alternate cyclone), but never allowed in a semi-open state (that never allows the valve to control the flow).
3. If possible, please test with water. Cyclone feed can be pumped or high slot provided. If the pump and cyclone throughput match, the gauge shows a constant reading. To ensure that the pressure gauge reading does not fluctuate, if you need to check the cause significant fluctuations. Equipment requirements to work in not more than 0.3MPa pressure.
4. Equipment running smoothly at normal pressure, the amount you want to check the connection point of leakage, take remedial action when necessary.
5. The residue was checked into the cyclone caused by clogging. Cyclone inlet flow blockage will reduce overflow and grit, grit cyclone grit mouth clogged traffic reduced or even stop, sometimes violently shaking. Such as clogging, should be promptly closed cyclone feed valve, remove the blockage. To prevent clogging, in hydrocyclone group pool feed can be added to prevent the precipitation of coarse material and debris of facilities (such as in addition to chip sieve), while parking in a timely manner when the feed tank empty, so as not to drive again, concentration is too high and cause clogging accident.
6. When the equipment has been running well water test confirmed, you can enter the slurry operation.
Yantai Jinyang Hydrocyclone

